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The digestive system is central to our overall well-being. What and how our bodies absorb nutrients from food impacts every system. As the saying goes, ‘You are what you eat’—but perhaps more accurately, ‘You are what you digest.’ To support proper digestion and avoid common pitfalls, discover our top tips for digestion.

Proper chewing supports digestion
Digestion is a complex, multistep process that starts as soon as food enters your mouth. Chewing initiates the digestive process by stimulating saliva production. Saliva contains enzymes that begin breaking down starches before the food reaches your stomach.

Your teeth play a significant role here, too. Your mother was right: “chew your food.” Aim to chew each bite around 20-30 times. This practice helps break down food into smaller particles, making it easier for your stomach and small intestine to digest. Chewing thoroughly also slows down your eating pace, which helps you feel full faster and manage your appetite better.

Prepping the stomach for digestion
Surprisingly, indigestion is often caused by insufficient stomach acid. Stomach acid is essential for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. The stomach has two sphincters that manage its contents: the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), which prevents reflux, and the pyloric sphincter, which controls food flow into the small intestine based on stomach acidity. If the acidity is too low, the pyloric sphincter remains closed, leading to indigestion and potential acid reflux.

In addition to avoiding acid-neutralizing medications, be mindful of your water intake. Drinking large amounts of water with meals can dilute stomach acid, potentially worsening indigestion. Instead, drink water between meals and consider sipping on bitter herbs or apple cider vinegar before meals. Bitter tinctures, like Swedish Bitters, are preferred as they stimulate digestive enzyme secretion and stomach acid production. If using apple cider vinegar, dilute a small amount in water and drink it 10-15 minutes before meals. Additionally, sipping water with lemon throughout the day can gently encourage stomach acid production.

Mindful eating tips
To enhance your digestive health, adopting mindful eating practices can make a significant difference. Consider these tips to improve your digestion and overall well-being:

  • Make healthy food choices and chew your food thoroughly.
  • Avoid drinking water during and for one hour after meals.
  • Don’t eat on the go or in your car; sit down at a dining table.
  • Enjoy meals in a relaxed environment, such as a patio when the weather permits.
  • Play calming music during meals.
  • Allow at least two hours before lying down to sleep.
  • Follow the wisdom of taking a short walk after meals—ideally, 100 steps. Research shows that walking after eating can help lower blood sugar, reduce triglycerides, speed up digestion, and support weight loss.

Stress management
Stress can significantly impact digestion by disrupting the normal function of the digestive system, slowing it down, or even causing issues like bloating, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Incorporating stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massage, or simply taking time to relax before meals can help improve digestion. When you’re calm, your body can focus more on the digestive process, allowing for better nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.

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