
Quad Stretch With Abduction For Cyclists & Runners

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Calling all cyclists, runners, and quad-dominant athletes! Watch chiropractic physician Dr. Seth Hosmer demonstrate how to…

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Banded Shoulder Stretch for Tight Chest & Shoulders

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

If there is one stretch you should be doing for your shoulders, this would be it!…

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Pigeon stretch for hip mobility

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Many people are familiar with the classic yoga pigeon stretch / pose. It is renowned for…

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The Dead Bug Exercise For Increased Core Strength

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Whether you are just learning how to brace your abdominals, or you are a seasoned athlete…

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10 Minute Stretch Routine For Better Mornings

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Have you ever woken up after a long night’s sleep, feeling like you just aren’t warmed…

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Lats Foam Roll

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Your Latissimus Dorsi (or “Lat”) is the one most powerful pulling muscles in your body. It…

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Thoracic Bench Mobilization for Improved Posture

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

The Kneeling Thoracic Mobilization will Improve your posture, your performance, and even your breathing! Stretch the…

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Standing Shoulder Circles To Restore Upper Body Strength

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Your amazing shoulders are the most maneuverable joints in the whole body, yet sometimes those two…

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Scapular Glides for Increased Shoulder Mobility

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

If you’re someone who suffers from workplace posture, upper cross syndrome (rounded shoulders), or mid-back &…

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The Laying Lacrosse Ball for Trap Muscles

By Dr. Seth Hosmer, DC

Neck and shoulder pain can be debilitating, keep you out of work, and stop you form…

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