Whether or not you are a card-carrying member of the “tight quads” club, you probably should try out this stretch. The effectiveness of this stretch lies in both its ability to dictate form – with the couch – but also allow you to floss through tight range of motion (ROM) by utilizing different movements. As with most stretches, we typically do not recommend taking it end-range and gritting it out, but rather approach end range and then use a cross-plan movement to restore comfortable movement.
Grab a couch or chair and follow along! Spend 2-3 min on one side, and then stand up and move a bit…you’ll be surprised at how different the side you’ve mobilized feels.
Some of the things that this stretch may help with include:
- “Tight Quads” – obviously
- Knee pain, under your knee cap
- Pain in the front of the thigh or through the front of the hip
- Low back pain due to anterior pelvic tilt
Consider adding a few more mobility routines to your quiver to make those tight legs and hips supple:
Find more exercises and stretches for your hips on our blog.